Wayne's Weather Window

I'm playing catch-up on a lot of fronts today.  It feels good.  One thing I wanted to do was send a photo to Wayne's Weather Window.  My daughter took these when we were on our way to Grandma's house for Christmas Eve.  Unfortunately, Wayne is not accepting photos at this time.

Since I will very likely not set aside another time to send to Wayne, I will post these here.  This works out better anyway as I couldn't decide which of the two dozen photos I liked the best.  I'll let you guess where these were taken:


  1. These are great! I like the first one best. The third one I would hang in my home, just because it invokes a feeling of calm, and I need calm. (And I have no idea where they were taken, east-coaster that I am!)

  2. I love all three. Number 2 and 3 look a bit like the water colour paintings I have.

    From you soon to be room mate in Anaheim.


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